Can a desk lamp change your life?

Another Friday is here! Is anyone else shocked with how fast time goes sometimes? (It can’t be just me…) Anyhow, today’s “Featured Item” may just change your life. ( Well…that’s pretty dramatic, but it could change your sewing  life anyhow).

Stella Lighting Home Stella-Light-300x300

We’ve recently started carrying a simple little desk lamp from the Stella company- and it is quickly developing quite the reputation. This lamp has the clean lines of an apple product and produces gorgeous  light in 3 color spectrums! Why is that exciting?  Stella’s website says it best…

“Being able to distinguish colors, and match thread colors has always been difficult in the sewing and quilting community- but not anymore! 

With the touch of a button you can choose from Stella’s three different colors of light output: warm, natural, and cool white- making the Stella lamp  like nothing else on the market.

The ‘Natural’ setting provides the purest form of white light, making it the most effective way to pick and match thread colors, while the ‘Cool’ and ‘Warm’ settings offer a more inviting light while working for longer periods of time, or while working late on a special project.

Combined with a full-range flex neck, dimming integration down to 10%, and additional features designed to provide value for the artistic user, the Stella Lamp has quickly become the ultimate lighting tool.

So no more dragging your fabric and thread to the window or waiting for a sunny day (we have those in WNY?) to insure true color matching….amazing!  Viewing the same color fabric in 3 different spectrums is eye opening, the same shade of red can look totally different in each lighting type.


In addition to all of that, Stella has the cool feature of being able to dim your lighting choice- So if bright daylight is a little too bright, just dim the brightness! Did I mention that this light doesn’t get hot? I’m not sure how this one could get better…

Here’s Stella’s video all about the awesomeness of it’s desk lamp:

cool right? This lamp is regularly $220, but It’s on sale for $199…you won’t be sorry!

See you next week….


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